Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

February 14, 2013
By katelynduranso SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
katelynduranso SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I think of Mrs. Jen Pollnow, I don’t think just another swim coach. When I think of her, I think of my inspiration, my role model, and even my friend. Having to manage nearly sixty girls for nearly three months is challenge. But she dealt with all the emotions, stress, and competitiveness with class. Not only is she an astounding coach, but she is also a hard working history teacher, and she is willing to do whatever she needs to do to help her students and athletes.
I think back to my freshman year of high school, when I walked into the pool for my first day of high school swimming practice. I remember seeing my new coach, who seemed so quiet, laidback, and, dare I say, a push over. But I soon found out that was not the case. I left that first the knowing my coach was an extremely determined and she was going to do whatever it took to make us the fastest team in the State of Wisconsin; and that she did. We won State that year by over one-hundred points. We did this because Coach Jen was constantly on us about doing the little things right. It is great to know I have a coach who cares enough to stay extra and work on the specifics.
One thing I really needed was to work on was my flip turns. Coach Jen would come early or stay late to help me perfecting my turns. That extra help was exactly what I had needed. That year at state, I was on a winning relay and finished ninth place in my individual event.

It is now my senior year and my high school swimming career has ended. Finding that I had an illness that was going to keep me out of the water for a near five weeks was upsetting. Being part of the state team the previous three years, I thought my coach was going to be disappointed and let down; but, she wasn’t. Coach Jen was not upset at all. She actually seemed to be more motivated for me to succeed. She never once gave up on me or doubted me. With all of her encouragement, I did get to swim in the State meet. And my relay team and I finished first. This was my fourth and final year on the winning relay team. Coach Jen was so proud of me. The second I got back over by team she gave me a huge hug and said “I knew you could do it!”

Last semester, Coach Jen moved to Arizona. Her husband was transferred there for work, and she was offered a coaching job. I truly believe her new team is the luckiest team. She teaches people how to work hard and be the best they can be. This is why I believe that Mrs. Jen Pollnow should be given the award of Educator of the Year.

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