Mrs. Neuman-Hayes | Teen Ink

Mrs. Neuman-Hayes

February 14, 2013
By Anonymous

Teachers are like candy as they come in many different varieties. Some pay more attention to you, and some don’t. Some are boring and hard to work with, while others are fun and exciting. I’ve realized the way teachers teach their classes effects how I learn.
Of all the classes I have had through the years, the one teacher that stood out from all the rest was my Spanish teacher: Mrs. Neuman-Hayes. She played fun games that made learning fun, she had great music to play while we were getting homework done at the end of the class, and she also helped kids individually when they had troubles understanding.
In Spanish 2, we played games like Jeopardy, Snakes and Ladders, and this one other game that involved little figures and a Candy Land-like board. Jeopardy was played with the class divided into two teams and a scoreboard that was similar to the normal Jeopardy as seen on TV. The topics would consist of Spanish grammar and spelling. This was my favorite game because it really got the class rowdy and into the game.
The second game, Snakes and Ladders, was generally played the same way. The game parallels Chutes and Ladders, but with snakes for chutes. We would be given small sentences that we would have to correct and bring up to the teacher to see if we did it right or not.

The third game we played was a review for us before a test. It was just like Candyland, but there were no special spaces and in order to move the space and roll the die, we had to answer a question correctly. This usually had to do with some type of grammar with Spanish.
The second reason I picked her as my favorite teacher was because she played music at the end of classes while we did our homework. This helped me a lot with keeping my concentration on my homework, since I usually listen to music whenever I try to get things done. The music she played was up-beat and put me in a happy mood that improved the whole homework experience.
Finally, the last reason I chose her was for how helpful she was. Whenever anyone was having a problem with something we were learning in class, she would address them individually. This would help because we all had very different learning styles.
In her class she makes me feel like more than just a student, she makes me feel like her apprentice. So, of all the varieties of candy bars I like, the best is just like my favorite teacher, the Snickers bar, sweet & nutty.

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