Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

February 14, 2013
By lizbing BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
lizbing BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The bell rings, the door slams shut, and the bright lights penetrate your eyes. As the teacher takes attendance, the silence creeps in on you, and you prepare yourself for the 40 minutes of social studies. “All right kids! Tell me how your weekend was! 25 pairs of eyes scanned the room, in search of an answer. Is Mr. Breitlow really interested in our weekend? As several hands rose, he called on each person, but not by their real name. Mr. Breitlow made a point to always give you a nickname. It made you feel special and different.
Each class flew by. The way he taught was not only interesting, but intriguing in many ways. Instead of showing us black and white videos and reading words off a screen, he brought information to life. One day, he made us get into groups and act out battle scenes that occurred in the 1800’s. Not only did it let the entire class picture it, but it also stuck in our heads until it was time to take the final. The class-work seemed effortless, and he made sure we knew that only we had the power to harness success.
He instilled many morals inside of our heads, without physically saying them. He sometimes took part of class to tell us about college and its many opportunities. It was nice to hear advice, considering I was only a freshman, and had not exactly grasped the concept of college yet.
The way he took pride in his teaching, made you want to take pride in each and every assignment you competed. I wasn’t usually one to be excited about a class, but I gobbled up every second I could of that class. Continuous laughter filled the room each day and kept me coming back with a smirk intact.

Mr. Breitlow has no greed and gives his full time to students. When I first arrived in his room, I was too young and lacked confidence and motivation. Fortunately, Mr. Breitlow taught his best and did a wonderful job. His intelligence, honesty and very friendly ways, intrigued me to work harder.
The bell rings, the door slams shut, and the bright lights creep in on you. Your mind is prepared to completely detach from class; but then you realize Mr. Breitlow is your teacher.

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