Mrs. Phipps | Teen Ink

Mrs. Phipps

February 19, 2013
By Dizzydesi96 BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
Dizzydesi96 BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When asked about who my favorite was I had to think long and hard about it. I’ve had many amazing teachers along the way but this one particular teacher stood out the most, Mrs. Lisa Phipps my 8th grade science teacher at Smith Middle School. This lady was beyond special. When she taught us she would make sure we understood before she ever considered going on. Mrs. Phipps would do things that an adult would think was stupid but for us kids that was the best things to help us learn. Even when she felt like crap due to her blood sugar dropping, she would make sure we understood before we left.

This amazing lady would do anything to help her students learn. Whether it be making up stupid dances to learn the water cycle or making up the songs that she would use. Mrs. Phipps was the go to lady. If you ever needed advice she was there. If you ever needed a friend she was there. She would go above and beyond measures to help anyone. If a child was having a hard time grasping things she would stay after school to help. If one of her students were selling something she would be one of the ladies you could always trust to buy something.

This lady introduced me into the medical field. We were talking about what we wanted to do out of college and I had no clue. We sat down and talked and talked then she mentioned the medical field. I was in love with what I heard. It wasn’t just the medical field that she got me interested in it was science as a whole. Before her class I would have never thought I would love science as much as I do now. Above all Mrs. Phipps is a wonderful person. She is the type of woman who, when you walk into her class you will never know what to expect that day to bring.

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