Inspiration for a change | Teen Ink

Inspiration for a change

February 21, 2013
By kristenreid123 BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
kristenreid123 BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine yourself as a new comer to something. Leaving middle school and walking into the halls of high school is a major change. There is a lot more work but then looking at the challenges on the court of the different skill levels. Being a freshman and being nervous about what team you'll be on is a nerve racking moment. The coach that protects her plays or also known as the Pre-Ap English/ volleyball head coach, Sara Hinson has improved many volleyball players.

Coach Hinson has excelled in her own way of experience with all the girls that have played with her. My freshman year became very exciting with the skills I was getting through volleyball. As our first game came, after all the hard worked practices and pushing through drills, we went in with a bang.

Coach Hinson went to the extreme in practices to make us a better team. As of my sophomore year, I went through a time of bumps in volleyball and wasn't doing so great. I had no idea how to fix it, so I called Coach Hinson. Talking on the phone with with her it came to my attention that she was giving me the best advice I had ever heard. I was extremely pumped to play the new position I had never had experience in and pushed myself to do it to my best ability.

This year in volleyball has started off heroic and I wasn't sure about the spot. As the season went on I began to learn more than what I thought I would have, and it had improved my skills by a lot. I recalled Coach Hinson and thanked her for her advice. Coach Hinson deserves the educator/ coach of the year because she is helpful and had inspired me to try out the new position even though she wasn't there this year, but she also shows much desire for volleyball.

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