Jennifer Glenn, Math teacher, Smith Middle School | Teen Ink

Jennifer Glenn, Math teacher, Smith Middle School

February 21, 2013
By MadisonDollar15 BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
MadisonDollar15 BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I will never forget her. Mrs. Jennifer Glenn, my sixth grade math teacher. Each day she has a huge smile of her face as we walk through her door and asks how we're doing. She inquires about our homework load that week and tries to make sure we get enough practice in class, so we wouldn't have a take- home assignment.
While teaching, she is energetic and comfortable. No one ever had a problem with asking questions, if we did not understand. I greatly appreciate the many techniques and songs that she taught us. In fact, I still use one of the songs to this very day. The practice greatly improved my math skills and taught me to be open to trying anything.

Support is her middle name. If we did poorly on a test or worksheet, she came and would personally talk to you and help you figure out what you did wrong. Mrs. Glenn was never afraid to dress up on pep rally days or any spirit day. The best times I had with Mrs. Glenn was whenever she's her crazy, spontaneous self, cracking up in the middle of class. She was always pushing us to shine to our full potential.
When my sixth grade year came to an end, it was a sad time. Knowing i wouldn't have the same, love teacher to greet me with that big smile every day. I stay in touch with Mrs. Glenn to this day. I am grateful for all that she has done to make me feel like a valued student and person.

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