Teacher of the Year | Teen Ink

Teacher of the Year

February 22, 2013
By HannahFulenwider BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
HannahFulenwider BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In my short life I have always been interested in history. However, when I got to fourth period of my sophomore year in high school I had no idea what I was going to get into. I walked into the classroom to see a medium height man that was in his mid to late 30's and he seemed very strict. At first, all I felt was fear as the thought "there is no way I'm going to pass this year" crossed my mind. Then this teacher, who struck solid fear into my heart changed the way I saw history and probably how I would see it for the rest of my life.

The first time I stepped into the classroom of Coach Burton, I instantly noticed how cold it was. He always had something to say that would scare us during the first week of school such as "bathrooms are for the weak. Be stronger minded." Or "don't be lazy and do your work" even when there was not much work to be done. He proceeded to scare us for the remainder of the week. Then something changed.

Everyone thought we had met our sure demise. We coud only hope it would be quick and painless. After the first week of school ended he seemed different. He became nicer and began to show us various tips and tricks to remember things. He was very patient with us and would reexplain things as needed. History, which was already my favorite subject, was becoming an even better part of my education.

He kept us on a certain routine with our work. We walk in, complete the bell work and discuss it. Next he would explain what we would do that day. Sometimes it was a video that would mix history and humor together. Other times it was just ordinary book work. One thing, however, always stayed constant. The music. He always was blaring a mixture of different genres: 80's pop, country new and old, classic rock. It was always there to "help us focus".

As most people know, school is stressful. When I walk into that class everyday it's as if the stress is just gone. He makes us laugh by making jokes about whatever topic we are discussing. He even lets us act out some scenes, such as playing the king and queen of England. Whenever the acting and jokes don't work, Coach Burton always has a plan B. This usually consists of a sarcastic remark along the lines of "you shut your mouth when your talking to me!" He then, gladly, gives a pleasant "evil chuckle" and a huge grin.

Coach Burton is definitly my favorite teacher. He has opened my eyes to history in a way I didn't think was possible. Since I was put in his class I look forward to fourth period everyday. I know that no matter what happens in my next two years of high school, I will never meet a teacher who has changed my life this much.

The author's comments:
This teacher changed my whole school career

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