Educator of the year | Teen Ink

Educator of the year

February 22, 2013
By gpedro174 BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
gpedro174 BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are some teachers, who hardly ever make an impact on, or touch someone’s life for the better. Some just go through life teaching. But there are some that change a person’s life, for the better. A good teacher is one who knows how to teach, what to teach and whom to teach. Any boy desirous of studying must like the teacher who helps him in his studies. He was the kind of person that everyone loved. He never asked too much, or expected too much. As I look back on my days as a freshman, I remember what an impact this man had on my life. This man was my English 1 teacher, Mr. Green.

Mr. Green was my overall best teachers because I felt that he has all the qualities that most teens look for in a teacher. I have not forgotten this teacher till and sure I'm never will. I wish Mr. Green would have taught my sophomore English class. I still see Mr. Green often in the hallways and say hi every chance I get. He was also a very great to start my freshman year. I had Mr. Green everyday at 8th period and I always wanted that time to come so I could be in his class. I felt that Mr. Green allowed all his students to express themselves and that’s what made him very admirable and liked by most of his students. He was very sincere in teaching and is a hard worker. He did not allow us to be lazy. He makes a simple living but his thinking is great.

Mr. Green was not just a good teacher but he also had the qualities of a comedian. He would make you laugh any chance he got. He always had a good joke up his sleeve and never failed to entertain us. Just because a teacher has a humorous nature, it does not mean that he/she will not be serious about studies. A funny teacher is like a God-sent to the students. Mr. Green always wanted to see his students smile and make learning a pleasurable experience. He brought a smile on the lips of their students always, lifting the sadness out of his student's life. Mr. Green was like stress-busters in his student’s lives, he helped us in forgetting all our sorrows. A funny teacher in your life can help you make great progress in your studies, without feeling burdened by them ever.

English comes alive in Mr. Green's Class. When he teaches, no one talks about anything but the topic that he discusses. He has the ability to draw our attention to the subject and also to sustain it. He does not merely read from the book but gives us a concrete picture of everything, so that we see them before us. Mr Green mad freshman year so much easier and he is by far one of the best teachers I’ve had

I admire Mr. Green because he truly sparks learning in his students. He has passion, and loves teaching English. He managed to motivate all his students and believed in all of us. Mr. Green is always confident when he is teaching. This rubs off on his students, making us confident while learning. He is always patient with his students that were a bit slower in grasping the concept. Mr Green is an amazing mentor and role model for all his students.

The author's comments:
very inspiring

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