My Pastor | Teen Ink

My Pastor

March 7, 2013
By Ben Bailey BRONZE, Bonner Springs, Kansas
Ben Bailey BRONZE, Bonner Springs, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My Pastor

As a kid I grew up in a family that never really belonged to a church. We found ourselves taking long Sunday drives looking for a church that we could call home. Some days we just drove with nothing on our minds but God and family occasionally listening to Keith green or some soft christen tunes. One day, I can’t quite recall how, I found ourselves walking into a church just like we had done lots of times before. As we walked into this church the band was playing up on stage, so we must have been late, but we found our way to the back of the room and found seats. The first thing that I noticed was how many people were in the building, the place was so packed!
After the song service a man walked up on the stage and he started the alter call. As the man shared his testimony, the crowd was just fixated on him. I could not believe the story of this man, he did drugs and did not grow up in a house of God in fact his family was split from a divorce, but somehow down the road came out on top. This story gave me hope that people that are lost can be saved. This wasn’t as important to me at the time, but now in my life I have so many people that are falling down the wrong path but I can have confidence that any one in hard times can come out on top.
I wish I could tell you what his service was exactly about that day, but all I can tell you is that this man really opened up my eyes for the first time. When I read the rubric for this project the “Educator of the year” kind of stuck out to me, but as I thought of all my teachers there was only one that has really spoken to me and that is my pastor. His name is Clint Spreg and he has been my pastor for six years and has always been there for me. My pastor is a man that I would call on fire for Jesus, every service that I have attended I have never seen a dull moment.

The things that have impacted me the most would be the example that he has set, he has showed me how to talk to others, how to do the right thing when no one is looking, how to live by the word of God and share to others the glory of His name.

The author's comments:
This article is about my loving pastor, an amazing person that loves God with all his heart.

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