Mr. Ediger | Teen Ink

Mr. Ediger

March 7, 2013
By kyle oehrle BRONZE, Shawnee, Kansas
kyle oehrle BRONZE, Shawnee, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Ediger makes learning fun and exciting. He makes the projects interesting to help us understand more about what we have learned. He also lets us watch videos to understand more about what he has taught us. Mr. Ediger makes it interesting to me even when I don’t understand. Things that are hard to understand he makes sound simple. He makes biology a fun subject to have.
Mr. Ediger also has a strong Christian faith in the Lord. He is always filled with joy and I never see him sad. He talks and makes jokes and we all want to laugh. When everyone laughs they think Mr. Ediger is so great and he is to me. Mr.Ediger is always very active in school events and you always see him doing what the students are doing. I remember two years ago he was in a pudding eating contest during extended lunch.
Mr. Ediger was a great junior high basketball coach and I really learned a lot from him. He is the one who made me want to continue in my basketball career. He showed us how to be team players and taught us great sportsmanship. He also taught us that it is not all about winning but having fun on the court and at school. It was during the championship game and we were down by four points with four minutes left on the clock. We had two time outs left so he called a time out. He told us it is not all about winning. We had made it this far and we can beat this team. Even if we lose we are still winners. We lost by two points and he taught us that if we lose we are still winners at heart.

The author's comments:
we are still winners at heart

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