Mrs. Wilcox: Everyone's Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

Mrs. Wilcox: Everyone's Favorite Teacher

March 7, 2013
By Cortlyn Eisele BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
Cortlyn Eisele BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How does a teacher manage to win over all of her students in her first year at a school? My ninth grade English teacher did exactly that. I don’t know how she became everyone's favorite teacher in one day, but that is just how wonderful she is. Every student she has taught will never forget her.

From the get-go, we could all tell that Mrs. Wilcox was going to be a phenomenal teacher. She is so outgoing and hilarious. On the first day of school, she showed us her impression of the Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz! She even makes tests as fun as a test can be by putting grammar sentences in with our names in them. In finals week, she understood that we had been testing for a while and needed something to keep us going. So she gave us each a candy cane, telling us that peppermint makes us think clearly.
Mrs. Wilcox isn't only fun. She is also considerate. She comes to support us in sporting events, gets to know everyone very well, and teaches us in the most effective ways. One day, we had a lock-down drill at our school, and no one was told that it was a drill. But Mrs. Wilcox seemed completely calm, and this made us calm, too. It did not bother her a bit. Even through the drill she kept us reciting ”The Charge of the Light Brigade!” Every student you ask will tell you that she is an amazing teacher.
The thing I most admire about Mrs. Wilcox is that she sets a good example of a Christ follower. She was unanimously voted by our grade as the teacher who best reflects godly character. She loves every student, and her class keeps us going throughout the long, treacherous days at school. I will never forget her amazing character and sense of humor. She has a special place in our hearts.

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