Victoria Soto | Teen Ink

Victoria Soto

April 5, 2013
By LoveLifeForever14 BRONZE, Sandy Hook, Connecticut
LoveLifeForever14 BRONZE, Sandy Hook, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“To me, Fearless is not the absense of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.”
― Taylor Swift

I want to tell you about a teacher who is an inspiration to us all. She always puts her students first, and loved them with all of her heart. I am sad to say that I was never fortunate to have this teacher, but I've heard so many great things about her, and I think she is am amazing educator. Her name is Victoria Soto.
Vicki loved her students. I've heard so many stories from her students about how she would always come to class smiling, and she would always give out hugs. Vicki's students absolutely adored her. Going to school wasn't boring for her students, each day was a new adventure. Vicki's students knew that she loved them very much, and would do anything to help them.
Victoria was one of the 26 beautiful people who lost their lives on December 14, 2012 during the Sandy Hook Shooting.
Victoria hid her students in closets and cabinets, and when the shooter came to her door, she said her students were in gym class. This is when she lost her life; protecting her students. That day, her students were saved and were able to walk away, but Vicki was not that lucky. She lost her life in the most heroic way possible, and I will always remember her as an amazing educator. She put her students safety before her own.
I am in college right now, and I am studying education. Vicki will always be in the back of mind, serving as an inspiration and always reminding me to love my kids and love my job.
Thank you Vicki. Rest in peace <3

The author's comments:
Vicki Soto is an inspiring person and teacher. I can only hope to be like her when I become a teacher.

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