Mrs. Brode for Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Mrs. Brode for Educator of the Year

April 5, 2013
By Sheerinspiration SILVER, Northville, Michigan
Sheerinspiration SILVER, Northville, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.
-J. K. Rowling

Most people do not understand the true meaning of education. Many children find school boring and irking, especially English. Every student has, at one point felt that school is sheer boredom yet, after you have Mrs. Brode, anyone is sure to understand the true value of education.

Mrs. Brode’s ecstatic self is revealed from just a simple glimpse. Her lush curls remains beneath a canopy of light blonde strands. Her bronzed skin complements her warm grey eyes. Mrs. Brode’s appearance is one of the qualities I admire about her. Despite her elegant potential, Mrs. Brode makes a promising statement with her choice of clothing. She typically dresses in warm comfort clothing, accenting name brands or a cozy hoodie. This form of clothing proves makes a true statement. It shows that Mrs. Brode finds herself not above us students, yet with us. This is her exact personality. Mrs. Brode is always among her learners.

Mrs. Brode has taught me so much over the year. She was able to jam the most boring curriculum, like diagramming sentences in to a sence that the kids understand and appreciate. I for one had already learned how to diagram sentences and was looking forward to moving on only to find that Mrs. Brode’s curriculum included the tiring and tedious work. I was a bit irritated at first. Then Mrs. Brode brought up videos, short clips, interactive lessons, songs and rewards to gift us for our work. What I didn’t know was that this was all to squeeze the information in my head. I practiced and practiced for days, simply thinking about the rewards. A few weeks later I received my gift, but earned an even higher reward, I will never forget how to diagram sentences.

Mrs. Brode is a truly passionate person. She stated, “Some of my best days are the ones I have nothing planned at all,” She explained, “They let me explore the students minds and help understand their point of view.” By stating this, Mrs. Brode is implying that one does not have to have straight, cut, clear plans, but the plans can be open for discussion and interpretation. Her passion for teaching shows through in this statement because she states that learning about others and manners are more important than any education.

All in all, Mrs. Brode is the perfect teacher. She is filled with energy and excitement every day, she shows true passion for educating the young, but, there is one tiny detail about her that makes her stand out from the rest of the teacher. She loves all.

The author's comments:
Mrs. Brode is a truly inspiring person. She may not have many objects but in my opinion she is the richest person in the world. She is one of the greatest most heartwarming people I have ever met. She loves everyone, which brings sheer happiness to the world.

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