Inside and out of the Classroom | Teen Ink

Inside and out of the Classroom

April 7, 2013
By Anonymous

Great teachers are hard come come by. Teachers that make good friends are even harder to find. Luckily, I had the opportunity to meet Heather Bech. Miss. Bech teaches Algebra 2 to college prep and honors level kids, as well as, Math in Our World to basic skills seniors. I, however, am in the honors Algebra 2 class. The school year is more than halfway over and this has been the most rewarding class I have ever taken. Math, with Miss. Bech, isn't just numbers. It's about figuring out how to think outside of the box and solve the problem at hand. Whether it's in the textbook or in life, she never gives up on her students.

I've known Miss. Bech for many years. Going to a small private school in Northeast Philadelphia and my mom being a teacher there, I've had many special relationships with my teachers. But honestly, Miss. Bech is my favorite. I started out the year jokingly because I couldn't take her seriously as my teacher. You see, I've known her since I was around 7 years old. Her class is hard. The hardest math class I've ever been in. (Maybe because its the highest level I've ever taken) She makes you work, and the material isn't easy to grasp. By the third week of school I was ready to drop the class and take an easier one. She pushed me. I tried to stick with it. Almost everyone else, in my class, has straight 'As' on their report cards and here I was bringing home a low 'B'. I felt overwhelmed and belittled. But she never gave up on me.

Months passed and I was still not doing as well as I hoped. When midterms came I was so stressed out and again, I asked to be dropped down a level. Alas, the other class did not fit into my schedule and I couldn't change. I had to finish out the year. After midterms, Miss. Bech had us write down some goals we had for the third quarter. I was ready to fight. Going for tutoring before or after school. Doing my homework, every night. Actually studying, for our tests. I have aced most of my tests and quizzes. Working hard paid off, this quarter. She never gave up on me.

Throughout this school year, there have been some ups and downs, in my life. Battling self harm, eating disorders, and depression have been overwhelming. Miss. Bech never gave up on me. She's there for me when I cry during chapel or when my brother moved back to Canada. She sends me Bible verses, everyday, and I do the same for her. She leads by example. Her life is so much more than teaching, although, that is a big part. She helps out, at her church, takes care of her elderly grandparents, and mentors crazy teenage girls (like me). She's has a lot of knowledge that she is always willing to share. What I like about Miss. Bech is that she's genuine. She'll call you out when you're in the wrong, but she knows that you aren't perfect, either. She likes to jam out to the High School Musical soundtrack and eat Rita's water ice. She thinks that she's the funniest person that has ever lived, and she does have a good sense of humor. She's real. And she still hasn't given up on me.

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