Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 9, 2013
By Anonymous

I used to go to A.I Middle School in Wilmington, Delaware. That’s when I met Mr. Hill. Although I enjoyed a lot of my teachers, Mr. Hill was the best.
Mr. Hill is one of the youngest but greatest science teachers at A.I Middle. Mr. Hill is very intelligent and always told me about cool storys dealing with science that I’ve never heard of. He is a great leader and always gave me good advice when I had some troubles with some other teachers. Mr. Hill and I have something in common which is we both like to drink a lot of water.
The next thing I could tell you about him was that he was funny. If I was in a joke contest with Mr. Hill, he would dominate me every round. Even though it was something serious, I remembered he started laughing and telling my class how a kid burned his eye out from using fire in the experiment which happened two years before my eighth grade year. He is also caring. If I was not in a good mood, he would not joke with me, but he would do whatever he could do to put the joy back in me.
I could also definitely say Mr. Hill was the most respectful teacher I had in eighth grade. Even if he didn’t want to come to work, he would put his anger aside, and would teach the class with a positive attitude. Another thing I could remember about Mr. Hill was that he was fascinated with toy aliens which he had all around his classroom. Mr. Hill was a very big fan of Star Wars.

Finally, Mr. Hill was an excellent teacher and friend. Honestly, he’s taught me mostly everything I know about science. Mr. Hill is a cool science teacher that deserves to be nominated for Educator of the Year.

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