My teacher of the Year | Teen Ink

My teacher of the Year

April 9, 2013
By Connor Barth BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Connor Barth BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The teacher I chose was my 8th grade Social Studies teacher Christopher Sanna. I chose him because his lessons were really cool, I liked his teaching styles when he taught hiss lessons, and finally he could be really helpful when it came to making up an assignment or improving your current grade.

The first reason I chose Mr. Sanna was because I always thought his lessons were really cool. I always enjoyed the fact he hardly ever made us work alone. He said himself “you learn better with a group then by yourself.” I always liked our class discussions. So after every group activity, we would come back as a whole and discuss our answers, and we all did a lot of public speaking and presentations as well. Also enjoyed his lesson topics, because I enjoyed that part of history, the American Revolution, and the way he presented it. I liked how instead of just reading out of a book, we used PowerPoint’s and videos and current events which marked old events and so on and so forth.

The second reason I chose Mr. Sanna is because of his teaching style. He had a lot of Charisma (which is a good thing to have if you’re a teacher in my opinion) and he could literally get everybody excited over a little topic because he was just good with people. Also if the class got out of control, he could quiet the class with relative ease. Another thing was projects. They were fairly easy and didn’t require much work. We usually did most of them in class, and his guidelines and rubrics were fairly easy to follow so it wasn’t difficult to get them done.

The third reason I chose Mr. Sanna is if it came to grades, it was easy to get them back up. He was very forgiving in a sense that if you forgot a HW assignment, he would still take points off, but you would still get credit for it. And if you were struggling with a certain subject, he would come over and help you through it so you wouldn’t have any trouble with it. He was also very helpful to. He would usually give us some advice before a big test (study skills, Note taking skills, reviews, etc.) and after the big tests he would give excellent reviews and would go over every single question so you understood exactly what you got wrong and how you could prevent yourself from getting it wrong again.

I chose Mr. Sanna because he had cool lessons, I liked his teaching style, and he was very helpful when it came to grades. I think he has a good chance of winning and he deserves it for being a good teacher.

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