Mr. Phil Hill | Teen Ink

Mr. Phil Hill

April 10, 2013
By BMahoneyLIVE BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
BMahoneyLIVE BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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For the Educator of the Year contest I have chosen my middle school baseball and basketball coach Mr. Hill. I played for Mr. Hill for 2 years, and in those 2 years I have learned so much. Mr. Hill isn’t just a coach; he is a role model. Mr. Hill was someone I always felt comfortable going to if I wanted to talk anything. Mr. Hill is also passionate about the game. He would always be the one to tell me that I could do it. Mr. Hill will always be one of my heroes.
Mr. Hill taught me just about everything I know today. He was always the one to tell me what was wrong and helped me fixed it. He was also not trying to teach us the game. He always said “I’m not just teaching you the game; I’m teaching you how to get through life.” When life got tough, Mr. Hill was always there for me. When my friend’s father passed away, Mr. Hill was the one that was there to talk to me and my other friends; he helped us be there for our friend. He was like a father figure to not only me but the whole team.

Mr. Hill was by far the best coach I have ever had. He never was the one to scream or yell when I did something wrong. He would tell me what I did wrong, and he would help me fix it. His knowledge of the game is amazing. When I started playing for him in 7th grade, I knew how to play, but I didn’t know as much as I do today. He was always the one to be in the game and giving the ref his word when there was a bad call. I will always miss playing for Mr. Hill.

I picked Mr. Hill for Educator of the Year for many different reasons, but the most important is that he is my hero. I will always look up to Mr. Hill. Playing for him was the best two years for me because of how much he taught me and how successful I was. All I have to say to Mr. Hill is “Thank you.”

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