Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 10, 2013
By Brianhedrick BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
Brianhedrick BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My cross country and track coach… Coach Breger is the most inspirational person I’ve met in my life. He may be hard on you, but he cares about you, and all he wants you to do is succeed. He always gives us long talks at practice and tells us how much he wants us to succeed.

First, he has a unique set of qualities; he is very funny, he makes lots of jokes, but then he can be very serious at times. And, he can be an easy-going person. He won’t stay mad at you if you do something wrong if you prove that you can do better. He tries to get you to know that he wants you to be successful and get the best outta you.

Secondly, he is a good person to go to for advice or anything basically he always makes sure you’re on track at school. When you look at him, you think oh lord he is crazy. Trust me; I thought the same thing! But once you get to meet him you will know why he is. He is pain’s worst fear; he can go through so much pain and still come out alright. Pain is his best friend.

Lastly, he always wants you to push as much as you can. It’s so you can be the best you can be, succeed, and feel good about it. Sometimes he can make you mad and cry, but at the end it’s all good because he cares about you. I can’t tell you how many people he has made cry or how many he embarrassed; at the end they understand why he did it. It was all for a reason. Sometimes you don’t understand why he acts so crazy, but at the end he does it for the team. He has lead our team to victory a lot during both seasons of cross country and track.
Overall, he is the best coach you could ever ask for. And I don’t think there is a coach as crazy and as motivating as him. If you listen to everything he says to do, you could become famous! He can make you a lot of money and help you have a promising future. Leaving on that note, Coach Breger should be awarded as Teen Ink Educator of the Year; he definitely deserves to win the title.

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