Mr. Miller | Teen Ink

Mr. Miller

April 10, 2013
By Anonymous

Mr. Miller is by far the best math teacher I have ever had. He is very easy to get along with in and
out of the classroom. He is very smart and will go the extra mile to help you what he is teaching. Finally,
he is extremely funny and will make the class entertaining for everyone. There are so many reasons to like
Mr. Miller, and I cannot find any reason not to like him.

Mr. Miller is easy to get along with for so many reasons. One reason is that he always listens to
other peoples’ opinions. If you are in a conversation, he will never cut you off and start talking; he will let
you finish then say what he needs to say. He has a good sense of humor so it is hard not to like him. Every
day I could walk into his classroom and have a conversation with him because he is not boring; he keeps it

He is probably one of the smartest math teachers at his level. He can always explain a concept to
me that I don’t understand, and the way he explains it makes it easy for me. He is not just smart when it
comes to math. Mr. Miller is very good at handling kids no matter what is happening. If they are getting
disruptive, he will take them outside and explain calmly that they need to settle down. I like his strategy,
because if someone yells and screams at you, you will get even more angry and disruptive.

Mr. Miller is the funniest teacher I have ever had. He will crack jokes all class long but still gets
his job done and helps us out. I do not see how anyone could fall asleep in his class because he is always
entertaining us and making us laugh. No matter what he says, I could laugh at it. In addition, every time I
look at him I cannot help but smile because I know he is going to say something funny.

As you can see, there are so many ways to like Mr. Miller. He is hilarious, easy to get along with
and smart. Every time I pass Skyline, I just want to go in and talk to him. It is always the best going after
school to the soccer practice and just talking to him on the sideline. Some of my best memories were on
that field with him coaching me. I wish he could teach me every year in math.

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