Mr. O | Teen Ink

Mr. O

April 11, 2013
By Eric Gilgenast BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
Eric Gilgenast BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When you walk into his room, you see a cleaned and clutter free classroom that he is very proud of. His name is Mr. O’Kneski. He is the Educator of the Year, and he has an entirely different personality than any other teacher. He has his own way of delivering the message to his students in a manner that adds excitement to the classroom. Everyone, who goes to the Delaware Military Academy, knows who he is and has a story to comply with the memory of him.

Every “A” day I look forward to going to Civics because of the class experience. He adds humor to the lessons, which in return makes them interesting and interactive. He makes it enjoyable to learn the U.S. Constitution. In most classes, lectures can be tiring, but Mr. O, as we call him talks about other things related in real world scenarios that make it easy for us to understand. He brings the huge topics to a 9th grader’s level.

Mr. O is also involved in some after school activities. He is part of the Model U.N. team. The Model U.N. team has gone to two tournaments and has one some awards that the school is proud of. He is also part of the Middle States Parent Committee; the parent committee involves the issue of bulling and ways to stop the problem within a school. He is the person in charge, and he organizes the committee with other teachers. He is a very involved and dedicated to the school that he works in.

Mr. O has challenged me and me and my abilities to achieve in high school and throughout life. I enjoy his sense of humor; it makes his classes entertaining. His grading system is fair and practical so there is no question on how the final grade occurs. He has motivated me to strive in academics and take school extremely seriously, and he has also done this for many other students.

Mr. O has challenged and taught many students who came through his class. He has taught lessons in many ways that students at the Delaware Military Academy will never forget. In my opinion, Mr. O is the Educator of the Year for the Teen Ink magazine. He succeeds above the other competitors.

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