Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 11, 2013
By alexisshuster BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
alexisshuster BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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Educator of the Year
The teacher I nominated for my Educator of the Year is my favorite teacher, Mrs. Averell. I would have to say Ms. Averell is by far the best teacher I have had. Her love for science is what makes her the best. She understands exactly what she’s teaching, and she enjoys doing it. She makes everyone feel excited to learn.
Mrs. Averell’s ability to teach is amazing. She explains everything. When you don’t understand something, she will sit with you and explain it until you do. She never gives up and just moves on. Since I have had her this year, I have learned so much, and I love science now. There were a lot of things that I didn’t get, and I never liked science; I always got confused. But thanks to Mrs. Averell and her help I don’t feel that way, and I am completely comfortable with what we are doing in class.
Ever since the first day I had a feeling she would be a good teacher. She explained what we would be learning throughout the year and told us ways to keep our work organized. She told us about herself and her love for science and scuba diving. It was honestly very interesting. She gets right to the point. She is a very interesting teacher and person. Her class makes my day.
Our school has A days and B days. I have Mrs. Averell on A days and on those days I can’t wait to have her class. It is one of the best ways to end a school day. We have fun while we learn. I enjoy Mrs. Averell she is just so interesting and not just in her teaching. Talking with her as a person is too; she has so many interesting stories to tell.
It’s a shame that I won’t have her as a teacher next year. I will always remember Mrs. Averell and her class. She has made a big impact on my learning this year and my grade in science. I know I will enjoy every last class I have with her from now until the end of the year. I truly think she should win this award.

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