Mr.Green | Teen Ink


April 11, 2013
By JazTheWin BRONZE, Wimlington, Delaware
JazTheWin BRONZE, Wimlington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Good morning class! These are the words that I hear every other day from my finance teacher Mr. Green. With a huge smile and a great attitude towards life he makes a great atmosphere for learning. I feel like everyone comes in the class looking forward to the lesson being taught, I know when I go it will be a happy and an upbeat class. Mr. Green makes sure before every class he stands outside to agree all his students.

He is one of my favorite teachers; because you know how much he cares about his students he shows it in everything he does. Also, when I or anyone else needs help he is right there to offer it to you, even when you don’t get it the first time or several other times after that. If you don’t get something, he will keep at it until you understand it completely. His teaching ethics are easy to understand, follow and get.

Nothing seems to get him down, always with an awesome and happy personality to share with the class. But also he can keep the class under control when need. I know that Mr. Green is a well-liked and respected teacher here at DMA. I enjoy the classes and all the group projects we do as well. He creates a wonderful and fun place for the cadets to learn.

Although it’s a fun class, it’s also an important class. This class will help us towards the future whether it’s mapping out the income we get or how to be responsible with our money and be successful I am so delighted my school offers finance classes because I know how much this course will benefit me. Now I am sure somewhere down, the road I will be just fine figuring out all I need to know about my income and bills.

Over all I believe Mr. Green is a wonderful teacher teaching the kids the importance of financing our money and staying organized throughout the years of our lives. I feel the lessons I am learning now will stick with me and help me out a lot with my financial situations. I will be sure to remember the fun and helpful tips; I know our comprehension of the financial world is wonder for young minds. I really enjoy the finance course and glad that Mr. Green is the teacher. That is why I am giving my nomination for Educator of the Year to Mr. Green.

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