Mr. O'kneski | Teen Ink

Mr. O'kneski

April 11, 2013
By A.Taylor16 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
A.Taylor16 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Attention ooooooooooon Deck” is the sound that Mr. Okneski roars from his mouth at the beginning of every class. He says this saying with pride and joy every single day. This is why I pick Mr. John Okneski from the Delaware Military Academy to be nominated to be Educator of the year. Mr. Okneski is a ninth grade civics/government teacher at DMA, and one of the funniest teachers too.
Mr. Okneski is one of the only teachers I know that can crack jokes, laugh, and stay serious the whole time. Every 9th grader calls him Mr. O for short. Mr. O can make nearly anyone laugh with his extremely unique personality. Every day I am urging for his class.
Mr. O Is like a “tiger in the underbrush” just waiting to pounce on you when he sees your eyes glance at another student’s paper. He uses this terminology saying how he is going to catch you like a sneaky little tiger from nowhere.
When I go to another teacher’s class, I walk in saying “I hate this class” or “when is class over”; I’m also always staring at the alarm clock to see when class is over. But never in his class am I doing this, when in his class it feels as if the class lasted 10 minutes with all the knowledge we have just learned. Also, with all the jokes and puns he makes. Have you ever not known what the teacher just said or what to take notes on? In Mr. O’s class you’ll never feel like that; he gives examples/notes for almost everything he covers in class.
“Go to the William Penn then” Says Mr. O as a joke when you do something bad or stupid. Mr. O is always making fun of “The DMA children” saying how we never know where we are, and he could blind fold us, spin us around, and say we are in Colorado, and we would believe him. Mr. O is one of the funniest teachers I’ve ever had in all my school years. He can turn anything funny like the baby boomers after WWII. “The women were like cannons” is what Mr. O said about the WW2 baby boomers, The women were having babies left and right.
This teacher right here, Is definitely the 1st that comes to mind to become the Educator of the Year. With all his funny jokes, the faces he makes, and how serious he is at all times. Coming to this conclusion that Mr. O Is a great teacher, he deserves to be nominated for Educator of the Year.

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