Warrant Officer Hoagland | Teen Ink

Warrant Officer Hoagland

April 11, 2013
By trevhill19 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
trevhill19 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I chose Warrant Officer Hoagland to be my educator of the year for many reasons. Warrant Officer Hoagland has been a big impact on this past Freshman year at the Delaware Military Academy (DMA). He has helped me with three very important things, my schoolwork, my athletic side, and life lessons.

First and foremost I would like to point out how he helps me with schoolwork. As I walk around school everyday to get to my class, I come across Warrant Officer Hoagland. He spots me out and always ask me questions, questions to keep me on track about my schoolwork. He knows how I have a problem with math, so he asks me how I am doing in that class. He said, “Trevor if you need any help, it’s okay, just tell me. I could easily arrange something for you.” At that moment I knew that he would always be there for me.

Warrant Officer Hoagland helps me with my athletics also. He helps me not only because he is my coach, but it is because he wants to see me succeed in everything. I have come across many coaches already in my life, and he is my favorite coach.... well, besides my dad. He is my favorite because he teaches me the game of football but mostly he is there to teach me great lessons about life.

Warrant Officer is more than just a coach or a teacher, he is there for me throughout anything. When I have a problem, I feel comfortable telling him. He is always understanding and open to conversations. If he yells at you in school, do not take it as he hates you, he is just doing his job and preparing us for later in life.

He is one of my idols, he is also a great role model for leaders and other kids. He has always taught me that you have to work hard to achieve your goals. Warrant Officer Hoagland is one of many great teachers and instructors that work at Delaware Military Academy. Warrant has impacted my freshman year, a large amount. I want him to know how much i would like to thank him for being there for me.

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