Educator of the Year Nomination | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year Nomination

April 12, 2013
By CE19974 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
CE19974 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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Educator of the Year
As students we go through 12 or 13 years of school, and throughout these years we have many teachers. Some teachers we like, and others we don’t. A few in a great while go above and beyond what they need to and leave a mark on you for the rest of your life. My 8th grade English teacher at Skyline was one of the teachers that left a mark on me; her name was Ms. Simon. She had many traits that made her the great person she was. Some of the things that I think make her the Educator of the Year are that she taught us things very well, she was super nice to everyone, and she went above and beyond with students in every way. I think she should be Educator of the Year, but will you agree?
Ms. Simon was a great teacher in a lot of ways. The first reason I nominated her for this honor is because she taught English in such a fun and effective way. What I mean by this is she would use games and incentives to get everyone’s full attention and effort in our activities. Since we played these games and were listening since we wanted to win, we learned the material she wanted us to in a faster and easy way. She just made the class really interesting, and the way she ran her class made everyone participate; everyone wanted to participate anyway because they liked her so much. This philosophy and way she ran her class made everyone learn the things they had, because she taught it in such a simple and easy way to understand it. She just knew how to teach English class and do it in the best way for the kids.
My favorite teacher I have ever had, Ms. Simon was a person with a great personality. She was so nice, and all her students gravitated to her because of her personality. She treated all her students with the same generous way, always trying to be the nicest she could. She also tried to provide her students with everything she could. For example, there were some girls at Skyline in my grade that were kind of rude to everyone but their own group; they didn’t care about other people’s feelings, but when they were with Ms. Simon, they always brightened up, and they just wanted to be around her. This was weird because usually they didn’t really want to be around teachers because they didn’t like them since they got in trouble a lot, but they loved her and gravitated to her. They always stopped by and chatted with her. A lot of other students had great relationships with her as well, and she was many kids’ favorite teacher. As you can see, she was my favorite teacher just like the others.
Ms. Simon was not only a great teacher but a great person and adviser as well. The last reason I nominated her for this great award was because she went above and beyond for her students and was always there for them. She not only helped students in the classroom and with schoolwork, but she helped them with other things as well. If a student was down, she could talk with them and cheer them up. If a kid had a personal problem, she talked to them about it and tried to tell them the best thing they could do to fix it. If a kid just needed a parent figure to look up to, she was someone that was always there for them. She was like a mom and best friend to so many of her students, and a great number of her students really loved her. We always looked forward to her class and to what was in store for the day. All the students knew she would do they best she could and give them the best advice she could. She was always there for them when they were in need in any fashion. She was like a mother hen with a 100 little chicks admiring her under her wings, being groomed into young men and woman.
Now you now know why I feel this teacher should definitely be the Educator of the Year which is why I nominated her for the honor. She teaches her English class in such a great way. She is nice, and her students just want to be around her. She goes above and beyond to do all she can for her students. She is all you can ask for in a teacher, person, and helper. She is the best teacher I have ever had and probably ever will. I think the Educator of the Year award is just calling her name because she affects so many people’s lives in such a good manner, and if you met her, she would probably make you a better person too.

The author's comments:
The teacher is Ms. Simon

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