Mr. Newcott | Teen Ink

Mr. Newcott

April 12, 2013
By Anonymous

I choose Dan Newcott as Educator of the Year. He was my eighth grade English teacher. He has many qualities that make him worthy of this award. He made class fun. I always enjoyed going to his class. He was good at his job. He really helped me understand what I was supposed to be learning. He was also helpful. When I didn’t understand something, he did his best to help me learn.

He was a fun teacher. I enjoyed going to his class. I looked forward to hearing him tell jokes; he really made the class laugh. One of the most memorable times was at the end of the year. We had a talent show in his class. He played the guitar and sang for the class. He helped make the boring stuff more interesting. Not only was he the funniest teacher that I have ever had, he is one of the funniest people I know.

He was really helpful. He allowed everyone to go into his room during our recess to provide extra help. I especially remember one of the hardest projects I ever had to do in middle school. It was extremely difficult because I did not know what to write about. I was supposed to explain how NASCAR changed America. I couldn’t find anything that could help me. I talked to him about it, and he really helped me understand what I needed. We often would have writing assignments. He would spend time with kids going over their papers with them. We once spent close to four classes just spending one on one time with him about our project. That really helped me get a better grade on my project. I didn’t have many questions in his class, but when I did, he was always there to answer them for me.

I also think that he is good at his job. You could tell that he was always doing his best to teach us. He didn’t just give us notes to copy down like some other teachers. If we did have notes, he would explain everything. He was very good at mixing fun with work. We still got what needed to be done, done, but we could talk about other interesting things too. His ability to do this was one of the reasons that his class could be so fun. I really feel like he made me better in English class. This was the first English class I’ve had where I got straight A’s. It wasn’t because his classes were easier, or because he graded easier. It was his ability to teach me the things that I needed to know. I know he was good at his job because of how well I feel he prepared me for high school.

Mr. Newcott is one of the best teachers that I have ever had. I enjoyed every class that he had; I always laughed in his class, and I really feel like I learned in his class. He was really helpful. This really made a difference in my grades. If there is any educator that I feel deserves Educator of the Year, it is Mr. Newcott.

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