Mrs. Suchyj for Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Mrs. Suchyj for Educator of the Year

April 13, 2013
By lily cazares BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
lily cazares BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Suchyj taught at St. Catherine of Siena school. She taught 6th, 7th , and 8th math. She also taught 7th and 8th U.S history. She was my math and U.S history teacher in 6th and 7th grade. The reason I didn’t have her in 8th was because St. Catherine School closed. I really wanted to graduate from there because I had been there since 1st grade. Mostly I wanted Mrs. Suchyj as my 8th grade teacher.
First of all, she gets to know all of her students and their personality. She not only got to know the students, she knew almost every parent of the student. She got to know my strengths and my weaknesses. I knew that I could trust her in every way. When it was time to start thinking about high school, I asked her for some suggestions. She gave my three choices: St. Elizabeth, Padua, or DMA. I knew of them expect for DMA. I asked her what it stood for, and she said Delaware Military Academy. I was thinking to myself that she was crazy and that there was no way that I was going to a military school. She thought that it was the best school for me. I looked into it and talked to my parents, and they thought the same. I trusted, and the three of them were right. If it wasn’t for her, I probably would not be here at the Delaware Military Academy.
Secondly, math and history were subjects that I never really liked or was good in. So I thought it was going to be very hard for me since things got harder every year. But she knows
how to teach well. She would take time to help you understand if you didn’t, or give you a method to understand/remember it. Like in math “the order of operation’ she would use ‘please excuse my dear aunt sally’. She made math easy for me at least and would have extra help if I need it. She could be serious but fun too. She knows to push her students to do their best and never give up. She would always say ‘do your best, and God will do the rest’, especially before a test. She also made me a good organizer. Like for example to color code the text books for different subjects.
Thirdly, she not only teaches, but she is involved with St. Catherine’s church. She volunteers at St. Catherine’s when they need help. She also went to a reach work camp with the youth group there; that took place in Tennessee last summer. She is a very hardworking and faithful person.
Lastly, she now teaches at another school being the best teacher that she can be. I still see her, here and there sometimes, not like other teachers that I will never see again. I will always remember Mr. Suchyj, because she is the best teacher I have ever had. This is why I think why I’m nominating Mrs. Suchyj for Teen Ink’s Educator of the Year award.

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