Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 13, 2013
By Anonymous

The person I chose for Educator of the Year is Mrs. Lawler. Not only was she chosen for her patience and unconditional dedication, but also for the wellness of her students’ education. Mrs. Lawler is an excellent teacher. She loves teaching her students. Also, she gives them many opportunities to be independent, and she teaches them how to do things on their own.
Mrs. Lawler is a skilled educator; she knows how to talk to students so they can understand. She knows what she is teaching, and it is very easy for her to explain things in multiple ways so everyone understands. Mrs. Lawler can teach you how to fix any mistake. She is willing to help if anyone has a problem that has to do with school or not. Mrs. Lawler is one of the most patient teachers; she will listen to you. She doesn’t rush you or push you unless she knows you can handle it. She knows who needs motivation and who has potential. Mrs. Lawler will take time out and wait to continue until everyone understands the material.
Mrs. Lawler’s unconditional dedication is something that makes part of her character. She dedicates all of her time to her students. She won’t move on until everyone passes. She does her best to understand the high and low points of every student, so she can help them earn the highest grade possible. Mrs. Lawler will give extra help to anyone who needs it. She will also give suggestions on how to improve in a specific class. Not only is she an excellent teacher, but she also cares about her students as if they are her own children. Her kindness brightens the day and makes those around her happy.
Mrs. Lawler has not only effected my life in a positive way, but also many of her other students. To me, her positive out-going attitude stands as a model. If there is one person I look to as a role model, it would be Mrs. Lawler. Her kind, caring appearance makes people think of her as a teacher they would want to be. She always greets students in the hallways. Mrs. Lawler is one of the easiest adults to talk to about anything. She is one of the best teachers you could have.
These are all reasons why I chose Mrs. Lawler for Educator of the Year. The dedication she gives to her students is a sign of making a foundation for success. As she continues her teaching career, she will impact many more lives. Mrs. Lawler is one of the best, which is why she deserves to be named Teen Ink’s 2013 Educator of the Year.

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