Seinor Cheif Williams | Teen Ink

Seinor Cheif Williams

April 14, 2013
By jack renaud BRONZE, Newcastle, Delaware
jack renaud BRONZE, Newcastle, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How are you doing today body guard? Those are the words of SCPO (Senior Chief Petty Officer) Williams. The three main things that I see in him are 1. The respect that he has for everyone 2. What he's like, and 3. The commitment he has to Drill team. These are the three reasons why I’m nominating SCPO Williams.

Everyday that I see SCPO Williams, I say “good morning sir,” and he replies “good, how are you young man?”. That right there he doesn’t just do to me, but he does to all the cadets at the Delaware Military Academy. The same respect he gives me I give him. Here let me tell you how it all started and how I got to know SCPO Williams; it's is actually a funny story I think. One day while I was doing my job up in the Naval Science office, Senior Chief calls me and says “young man, guard my water bottle while I drop off some papers”, and he left. I stand guard of his water bottle until he comes back, and for some reason the name stuck , and everyday I go and check on him to make sure he's safe and that he's having a great day. That's how it all started just with a simple guard my water bottle. Even to this day he still refers to me as body guard and it brings joy to my day when I’m down, and that’s why I am nominating him for Educator of the Year.

What makes him the way he is ? He's short like me, so we get along; he absolutely loves to play jokes on me and other cadets. He's funny, but he can manage to keep a straight face everyday, but still he's just a GICANTIC teddy bear on the inside, and he likes to have some fun and interact with everyone. Also, he's a great teacher for the Drill team, and that's one of the main reasons that I like him so much because of how he takes his time out of the day to help me and other cadets at Drill team. He helps us march and informs us and educates us with the ways of Drill team, to help win competitions for the school.

Last but not least, is the commitment he gives us cadets at Drill team. Every Thursday when we have practice, he will watch us all march off a drill card for a competition. He would make sure that were in step, make sure we can remember the card, checks for our alinement, just like the one day when I did a wrong facing movement, and he was there to make sure I wasn’t nervous, he told me that if I were to make a mistake, make it look like you still made the turn proudly even though it was wrong. What he does is such a great help, even for practices like the ones on the weekends when he goes out of his way for us so we can practice at DMA; it is true commitment to our Drill team. He's even there at the Drill competitions cheering us on, supporting us, and the thing that makes him special are the words that he speaks to us. Once we lost an event he brought the mood from below zero to 100, and he put smiles on our faces even though we went home with only one trophy.

All in all Senior Chief is a great man just the way he is and that's why I nominated SCPO Williams for Educator of the Year, because I believe that he deserves it the most.

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