Mrs.Jensen | Teen Ink


April 14, 2013
By Bridget McLaughlin BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
Bridget McLaughlin BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Bridget, think about that Shakespeare test, and take your anger out on the ball,” Mrs. Jensen's words of encouragement as I take the field to bat. Mrs. Jensen was my 8th grade English teacher, and one of, if not the best English teacher. She was also one of my softball coaches, always helpful and supportive, and ready to play with us at practice at any moment.

In school Mrs. Jensen is respected, nice, funny, supportive, and helpful. I knew I could always come to her for advice about anything, whether it was about grades, sports, or just life. She could also be very funny, bringing a smile to my face, and have me LOL in class. She was also very supportive, whether it came to academics, or sports. She also made learning about Shakespeare, The Good Earth, vocabulary, etc interesting and enjoyable.

Now on the field, Mrs. Jensen holds the same great qualities. She was always encouraging me and motivating me to do my best. If I had a question about softball, I knew I could always go to her and get a correct, well-explained answer. While I was getting ready to bat or take the field, she would always give me pep talks to get me pumped; she would encourage me to do my best, and she calmed my nerves. On the mound she could throw it down whenever needed at practice; it helped us get better. She made my first year playing softball, and last year playing for the school very memorable, successful, and enjoyable; I learned a lot.

Overall Mrs. Jensen stands out for Educator of The Year award; she has all the perfect qualities. Everyone should be glad to have her as an educator and a coach. I will never forget her pep talks and encouragement on and off the field.

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