Jen the Cheerleading Coach | Teen Ink

Jen the Cheerleading Coach

April 14, 2013
By Kate Sawina BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Kate Sawina BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8…. Are the numbers you hear Jen Kryspin yelling at her cheerleading teams. She is a cheerleading coach. She has four kids, and while managing those four kids; she coaches a lot of teams. I don’t know how she can keep it all straight. She is very nice and easy to get along with; just don’t get on her bad side.

She is a lot of fun to have as a coach. She will joke around with you, but when it’s time to be serious, you will know it. Everyone respects her and listens to her. She and I are a lot alike; people even think she is my mom. We know what each other are thinking sometimes.

If you ever have a question with cheerleading, she’s the one to go to. She can answer any question you have, and if she can’t, she will most likely think of someone who can. She is very honest. You can tell when she is being serious or joking around.

She can do anything she puts her mind to. Even when she makes us do crazy stunts for cheerleading, she gets us to do them. We get them done safely because of her. She would never let anyone do anything unless she knew they could do it.

She is amazing at what she does. She believes in every single one of us. She keeps us safe. She is always there for me no matter what it is; if its boy troubles or family troubles, she’s there for me. I love her; she is like a mother to me. I nominated her because she is such a big role model for me and became a big part in my life as a coach and as a friend.

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