Seymour science | Teen Ink

Seymour science

April 14, 2013
By ryan loose BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
ryan loose BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Seymour’s science
“It’s like a ping pong ball” that was what my 7th grade teacher would say to us when conversations jump from one side to the other. He did not only teach me in class he was my coach on the wrestling mat.

Mr. Seymour was a fun and chill teacher and had no problems with anyone. I rember one day we when were talking about the X and Y genetics; some-how he told us he was going to start a home improvement company and call it “Seymour home improvements” referring to you will see more improvement. The best part is Mr. Seymour is not built for handyman work. Mr. Seymour is also very friendly; I rember last year I went 9-1. I was so upset; I went in the locker room, and I cried. He was the first one in there to tell me I did a good job and did what I had to do. Also, one time I got in trouble by the main office, and he was the first teacher to stand up for me and tell them I did nothing wrong. He told them I was a good kid because of my actions and relationship with him.

Mr. Seymour is a very intelegent man; if I did not understand something, he explained it to me in ways I could understand. First, I had no idea what I was doing wrong; he told me to make this wrestling move perfect, I had to reach farther. I did not know what he meant, he said pretend there is a candy bar; now grab it with your left hand. I did, and he told me now your hand needs to be here every time. Also, when we were in class doing a lab, I did not understand why the baking soda reacted the way it did and he asked me “when you get put on your back in a match what do you do” I told him I fight off and he said that’s your reaction, and the fizzing is just like you trying to get off your back.

Mr. Seymour is a very nice teacher; if I have a problem, he is willing to help me out. I remember I just couldn’t get what we were doing in math, and he asked my teacher if I could see him before class. He explained to me how everything worked and why it worked that way. And if Mr. Seymour ever needed help, he was fair about who did what, and if you got in trouble he would tell u in the nicest way possible. Mr. Seymour was more than just a teacher; he was my go to adult, and I would not pick anyone else for Educator of the Year but him.

7th grade the best year I had with a crazy funny coach/teacher Mr. Seymour was the best teacher and was like a best friend to me. He always had my back and was there to support me. He made me the kid I am now, and he will be the reason I am the man I become, and I want to tell him thank you for everything

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