Mr. Bolinski | Teen Ink

Mr. Bolinski

April 15, 2013
By jade ruff BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
jade ruff BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Bolinski

My eighth grade teacher, Mr. Bolinski, was a spectacular teacher and is an all around great person. He is not only a teacher, but also a coach. He is funny and likes to have fun in and outside of class. Mr. Bolinski was the first to come to mind when I had to pick the best teacher. He is my favorite teacher of all for many reasons.

First off, Mr. Bolinski is a Math and English teacher. He teaches at All Saints Catholic School and is a very helpful teacher toward his students. He is available as a tutor to any student, in his class or not. I went to him for tutoring and it helped me become a better problem solver. Mr. Bolinski also coaches baseball and basketball. He coaches varsity baseball for Salesianum high school and coaches girl’s basketball for Delcastle.

Second of all, Mr. Bolinski is a great person. He made learning fun for me and all of his students. He used techniques, such as playing games, to help his students better understand how to solve problems and understand vocabulary. Mr. Bolinski also was a reasonable teacher, not giving us, his students, much homework every night. Taking his students into consideration, he cared about us, our grades, and our progress throughout the school year.

Lastly, Mr. Bolinski also has some very unique qualities. He has a great relationship with his students. Almost everyone is pleased with him and his teaching. He also is so driven towards his students that he comes before school and stays after to help them with anything they have trouble with. He also allows you to joke around in his class and have fun, but at the same time we would be learning. Mr. Bolinski also enjoys Pop Tarts. He has one every morning before the start of class. This is important because breakfast is the most important meal of the way.

My eighth grade teacher, Mr. Bolinski, was a spectacular teacher and an all around great person. He has many aspects that apply to myself also. Mr. Bolinski would be a great addition to any teaching staff and can really assist students in learning to their best abilities. Mr. Bolinski is my favorite teacher of all time to this very day.

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