Educator of the Year Contest | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year Contest

April 15, 2013
By George7 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
George7 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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When you go to H.B. DuPont Middle School and the beginning of your day starts with math, science, and English, when that bell rings letting you go to the gym, you are very relieved. You go down to the next class with a skip in your step knowing you get to have a fun P.E class with Mr. A as your P.E teacher. The girls on the other hand did not have as great an experience as the boys; they had the female gym teacher who I never really met. Mr. A was undisputedly the best teacher at H.B Middle School. He was always funny, relatable and never over reactive, like some of the teachers I have this year.

Mr. A was the best in all ways imaginable. He is by far one of the most physically fit people I know, and the smartest and by far the coolest teacher I have ever met. He is not just a teacher but an example, something you want to be like. Not even trying he can influence you to make good decisions without the yelling and the threats like parents, but just by talking to you.

Some ways people have experienced Mr. A’s great personality and humor are not just from gym, if you also playing a sport. He coaches Boys Volleyball and Wrestling at H.B and you know when you sign up that you will be having a good time, while learning a lot. Besides being awesome at practice, he was also a great guy during class. You would walk down into the gym, take a seat on the bleachers, and wait until he did attendance. After he did that, we would go and play any game, from dodge ball to basketball; we did it all.

What I think is the best thing about Mr. A is always his un-ending support. He always wants to help improve you. He might not even know all the answers but you know he will try his best to help. I think this is why Mr. A is Educator of the Year because he was not just a teacher, he was friend. He taught you in ways different from traditional teaching, instead of doing homework you would want to know new things to show him.

Some other things about Mr. A are that he was never afraid to be himself. He wasn’t like a lot of teachers who basically withdraw themselves from students and lock us out of their lives. He had no problem helping us with problems arising in our lives along with helping us in school at the same time. You could tell when something was troubling him if he was serious for a while. Usually he would walk in, crack a joke, do roll then we would start. If he started by telling everyone to be quiet, you knew something was up. I think Mr. A is the Educator of the Year for these reasons. He is not your everyday teacher; he is more like a parental figure. I look up to Mr. A and appreciate everything he has ever done for me and that is why I think he is Educator of the Year.

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Educator of the Year

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