Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Class Steve Hoagland | Teen Ink

Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Class Steve Hoagland

April 18, 2013
By Harrison Dempsey BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Harrison Dempsey BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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Warrant Officer 2nd Class Steve Hoagland is not only a teacher but also a friend. Warrant is someone who cares about me and motivates me to be my best. He teaches Naval Science, which is a class about leadership, citizenship, and military education. Warrant does not only teach these qualities, he lives them.

I don’t have Warrant Officer’s class yet, but that is not to say he hasn’t taught me anything. From the first time we met he has been teaching me lessons ever since. He has taught me you can be liked by the people under you as well as respected. He taught me this not through words but through actions. His students have told me that they love the way Warrant respects them, and they owe him the respect he pays them.

I don’t consider Warrant as just another teacher. He is much more than that to me. I genuinely care about him, as I know he cares about me. He knows that I want to attend a service academy, and he is so willing to help me with this goal. He allowed me to attend a trip to the Coast Guard Academy and Merchant Marine Academy with him. This shows what kind of person he really is. He is the type of person who puts others before himself. Words can’t describe the great things I have to say about this man.

Warrant not only is a friend who cares about me, he also motivates me to be the best person I can. As a Boy Scout I strive to be an Eagle Scout, and Warrant is there trying to help me. He suggested projects I could do to attain the rank. He does not only help me with out of school activities, he also motivates me to do well in school. He always stops what he’s doing to talk to me. When he asks me about my grades, I know he wants me to do my best.

Not only is Warrant the best teacher, he is a role model. Warrant Cares about me and my well being and is someone I look up to. His actions prove him to be a leader and great person. Warrant has made me a better person. He is Educator of the Year
because he makes me want to be the best I can also I respect and look up to him.

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