Mrs. Simpson for Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Mrs. Simpson for Educator of the Year

April 18, 2013
By chloe217 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
chloe217 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Simpson for Educator of the Year

“Hola estudiantes, bienvenido.” Everyday, when you walked into Senora Simpson’s room, you were greeted the same way. Senora Simpson was the best teacher a student could ask for. She was sweet and caring, in a grandmother sort of way. I wish that every teacher I had was like her. She was definitely a one of a kind. This is why I have decided to nominate her for this award.

Senora Simpson had unique ways of dealing with problems. I remember one time when a student would not keep quiet, Senora repeatedly asked her to stop, but the student would not listen. This was creating an environment where we could not learn. So, Senora created a game that required a lot of talking. It kept the student out of trouble, and it created an effective way to learn Spanish. But, she did not allow nonsense, and she wasn’t afraid of punishment. If you insulted anyone or used inappropriate language in her class, she would call the principal down immediately. This made her a good teacher because she was lenient but not a complete pushover.

Senora Simpson never let good qualities go unnoticed. Whenever a game was won, or the test scores were good, there was always a reward waiting. It came in the shape of candy and authentic Spanish food. Once we had cheese and chicken quesadillas for getting a class average of a “B” on a unit test. After the girls won a game of Spanish Jeopardy, there was candy had by all. If you did well on a project, she told you so. This made learning Spanish fun, not painful. It is also a motive for us to get a better grade on tests and quizzes.

Senora Simpson was a very hard worker. One night while I was at a late night
cheerleading practice, I saw her light was still on; she was there grading papers. Senora Simpson was always the first one there and the last to leave. I don’t know how she had the energy to teach classes every day. Senora Simpson was also a hardworking student. Since she was rather old, she never understood the advancements in technology like the younger teachers did. When the school received funding for Smart boards to be installed in the classroom, she began taking classes to learn how to work the boards. This was a good example for her students that with hard work you can achieve a lot.

All in all, Senora Simpson was a very good teacher. She had qualities that are hard to find in other teachers. I wish that every student could have the opportunity to be taught by a teacher like her. This is why Senora Simpson is the perfect candidate for Educator of the Year. “Adios. Gracias.”

The author's comments:
From this article I hope that other teachers and students will see how wonderful of a teacher Mrs. Simpson is.

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