GySgt | Teen Ink


April 18, 2013
By dowling_peter BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
dowling_peter BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Who is the best educator of the year? Obviously this person would have to be respectful, kind, smart, knows what they are talking about, and they would have to be a role model. In my eyes the educator in my life who shows all of these qualities would have to be GySgt Lemke.

For those who don’t know who GySgt Lemke is, well then I feel sorry for you. GySgt Lemke is a Navel Science instructor at the Delaware Military Academy. He teaches cadets all about the military, how to tell time using a 24 hour clock, and the phonetic alphabet. Which is like Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, etc. He also teaches us how to drill. The whole time he teaches his cadets, he does it with a positive can-do attitude. He leads by example; he wouldn’t tell anyone to do something unless he could do it. He truly is the Educator of the Year.

GySgt Lemke always wakes up happy to be alive. Whenever it rains, he always says that it is liquid sunshine. GySgt Lemke brings a positive attitude to DMA, and when he teaches, he gives all cadets a positive attitude. He always explains things, so no cadet is confused. And if a cadet has a question, then he will answer the question clearing up any confusion. Also, GySgt Lemke says that all cadets should have respect for fellow cadets and all teachers. He will always show us respect that we deserve. He will always believe in his cadets as long as his cadets don’t give him something to doubt him. To shorten it up, GySgt Lemke is a respectful educator, and he deserves the educator of the year reward.

One of GySgt Lemke’s famous quotes is “Just so you know.” He says this because he hides nothing from his cadets. He will always say for example the homework is due tomorrow, just so you know. And if you hear “just so you know” but nothing else, then you know you missed some valuable information, and you should probably figure out what he said. If you ever come and visit the DMA and you ask any cadet about GySgt Lemke, you will only hear positive things about him.

The Educator of the Year has to be someone respectful, kind, and smart. This person also would have to know what they are talking about, and be a role model. And this person in my, and probably all other cadets at DMA’s, eyes would have to be GySgt Lemke.

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