Teacher of the Year Essay Mr. O'Kneski | Teen Ink

Teacher of the Year Essay Mr. O'Kneski

April 25, 2013
By Brian Poad BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
Brian Poad BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Attention oooooooooooooooooon deck!", is one of Mr. O'Kneski's trademark sayings that can be heard on the whole first floor in the morning. I have never had a teacher like Mr. O'kneski before. He teaches civics and geography at the Delaware Military Academy. I have always been interested in social studies. I love to learn about history and what goes on around the world, so naturally I'm going to like him right off the bat.

When class starts, we usually talk about what's going on around the world and all the major events that are happening. None of my past teachers are interested in world events like Mr. O'Kneski is. Another thing that I love about Mr. O'Kneski's class is how he uses the Smart Board so much. He almost always shows us news videos to let us know what's going on. Mr. O'Kneski also puts notes on the smart board so we can copy exactly what's going to be on the test. But the coolest part is that if you don't feel like writing the notes, you can print them out the day before on his website.

Pretty much everyone can agree that Mr. O'Kneski's class is great. He makes the lesson interesting by cracking jokes related to the lesson. He always finds a way to bring humor into his material. That's a major pro for me because if I'm not interested in something, I'll get bored and sidetracked. But that's not something I need to worry about in his class.

Most people would think that civics and geography would be boring, but it's really not at all with Mr. O'Kneski. My civics and geography class is the only class I would go to on my own will. I learn things quickly in his class, and he gives me a more detailed explanation if I don't understand. Mr. O'Kneski wants you to do well in his class. He actually cares about your grades unlike other teachers. As long as you pay attention in his class, it's not hard at all.

It's really a privilege to be in Mr. O'Kneski's class. It's my favorite class. I really enjoy being in it. I would not be surprised if Mr. O'Kneski did win the Educator of the Year. He really is a great teacher. He has many great teaching qualities that more teachers should express. Even if Mr. O'Kneski doesn't win the Educator of the year award, I think he already has.

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