Mr. Fairfield | Teen Ink

Mr. Fairfield

April 29, 2013
By 88888 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
88888 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Did your middle school have a baseball team? Mine did. My nomination for Educator of the Year is Coach Steve Fairfield or also known as Mr. Fairfield in the classroom from HB DuPont Middle School. He is funny, instructional, and a caring guy; he is the best baseball coach that I have ever had. He developed my skills more than any other coach I have had.

Coach Fairfield is a funny person; he always knew when to crack a joke in the classroom. He would make a joke if someone forgot their color pencils. He would say something like, “my daughter always has her color pencils in school” and everyone would laugh. He also always had fun at practice and did fun activities with us in the classroom. At practice we might get three or four ground balls in a row and you usually are not just standing there doing nothing; you are always moving and doing something. We worked hard at practice, but it was usually fun, and you always wanted to do it.

Coach Fairfield is a very instructive coach when it comes to the basic fundamentals of fielding and hitting. He would show us the proper way to field a ground ball and then hit us some ground balls until we got it right. Then, he would move on to the next thing and make sure that he got his point across. He made sure that every kid knew what they were doing, and he wouldn’t let a kid be lost in what the team was doing. He would make sure that if there was one kid that was lost that he would help them a little extra until they got what he was doing.

Coach Fairfield was also the kind of guy that made sure that you were alright and asked you every once in a while if your family was alright. He would ask how you are doing that day and made sure you were alright. If you got hurt or if your arm was a little sore, he would let you rest it for a little while, and he made sure you were healthy before you started playing again. He would also ask how your family was and if they were okay, and he would ask about your parents or your siblings if you had any. He would just make sure that everyone was cool.

So in conclusion, my middle school baseball coach and sixth grade social studies teacher coach/Mr. Fairfield is my nomination for the Educator of the Year contest. The reason I nominated him was because he is funny, instructive, and caring for everyone on the team. He is the best baseball coach I have ever had; he got the program started when I was in seventh grade, but I played my eight grade year only. He led us to a championship that year. For all these reasons and more I nominated Coach/Mr. Fairfield for the Educator of the Year award.

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