Gunnery Sergeant Lemke | Teen Ink

Gunnery Sergeant Lemke

April 29, 2013
By Monsterrocks BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
Monsterrocks BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Just so you know” is a daily saying we hear from our naval science teacher Gunnery Sergeant Lemke. His class is always energetic, and we’re always doing something productive and learning something new. He always tries to improve our work and make us work to our fullest potential in his class and every class we have.

He strives to make the material he teaches in his class as interesting as possible to make sure no one sleeps in his class, and he also is not afraid to joke around with someone. He’s always very loud, which ensures that no matter what he teaches, whether you’re in the front of the class or not, you’ll always hear the material he’s teaching. Plus he’s always pushing us to do our best mentally in every class and physically on Fridays when we’re doing pull up and playing dodge ball or handball.

Gunny also teaches us things about the military. He takes us outside when the weather permits and teaches us how to march and call cadence. Also, before our promotion tests to rank up, he’ll take time during the class period to go over the things that we’ve learned that are going to be on the test to make sure we’ll be prepared and give us the greatest possible chance of passing the promotion test so we’ll obtain as many ranks as possible. Also, if we’re struggling with learning something, he’ll take extra time to go over that subject, and if we are doing PT, he’ll get down sometimes and do pushups with us instead of just standing there giving orders and watching us do them.

Also, I really like his teaching style. To make sure that we memorize our General Orders to the Sentry, he gives us a test on them every Wednesday. When we have to do a lesson in the book, he always has a power point with all the information on it to give us a visual and there are always questions scattered in it to make sure that everyone pays attention to the lesson. Also, in the beginning of class he has the platoon leader and assistant platoon leader inspect every cadet to make sure our uniforms are looking great, so we will know what we have to do to make our uniform perfect for inspection on Thursdays.

He is an overall great teacher and quoting him, he is “always high on life”, and when it rains, he always says “it’s still sunny; that’s just liquid sunshine”. This shows that he’s always putting a positive look on everything in life and everything around him. He doesn’t let anyone or anything ruin his day or bring his spirits down. Plus, he always tries to make everyone’s day better, and he never brings anyone else’s spirits down; is always supportive. He is the most positive, interactive, and overall supportive teacher I’ve ever had at any of the schools I’ve ever attended in every grade I’ve been in. There is NO better candidate for the Educator of the Year than Gunnery Sergeant Lemke.

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