Educator of the year is..... | Teen Ink

Educator of the year is.....

April 29, 2013
By Ross1 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Ross1 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The teacher I think should be nominated for the Teacher of the Year is Mrs. Pisani because she is a teacher that can teach anyone and have fun doing it. She is even taking her time to help me with math through my time out of school because of my P.O.T.S.
Mrs. Pisani really knows that not everyone learns the same way. For the people that are auditory learners she says the correct way to do it. Then she does it on the board for the visual learners to see. She also gives us problems for the people that learn through experience. She is very good at playing to everyone’s strong points.
Mrs. Pisani can have fun while she is teaching us, which keeps us focused and excited for the next class. For example, Matho, which is a game we play a lot. We pick a few numbers off a key card and write them down on our Matho cards. There will be problems that we have to solve and place a chip over the number if we have it. Then the first one to get five in a row wins. This keeps us all entertained and ready to go.
Probably one of the most important reasons I am nominating Mrs. Pisani is because she is taking her time to come over to my house while I am out sick with P.O.T.S and helping me. I thought I was going to be held back a year because of my P.O.T.S and there was going to be nothing I could have done. Mrs. Pisani and a few other teachers volunteered to come to my house while I am out of school to teach me. This really meant a lot to me.
I am nominating Mrs. Pisani not only because she knows how to have fun and work or because she is really good at teaching everyone, but I am nominating her because of her willingness to give up her time to come and help me out so I don’t lose a whole year.

The author's comments:
I hope people can see that Ms. Pisani is a great teacher and wants to help people in anyway she can, like she has helped me.

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This article has 1 comment.

bethy17 BRONZE said...
on May. 22 2013 at 8:45 am
bethy17 BRONZE, Wileyville, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
You have pots?? I do too. My teachers have been life savers.