Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 30, 2013
By bethy17 BRONZE, Wileyville, West Virginia
bethy17 BRONZE, Wileyville, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

The things that make my history teacher and school principal great are probably not what you would expect. Yes, he is a smart and well educated man, but he also possesses all of the necessary qualities it takes to teach teens. Mr. Steve Cuthbert is one of Greater Beckley Christian School’s greatest assets. He truly deserves the title of “Educator of the Year.”

The number one thing I appreciate about Mr. C is his ability to relate to his students. Many of my classmates and I feel as if we ever needed someone to talk to , he would be our first choice. He treats us with respect ,and is unjudgemental in the advice he administers. Earlier this year, a friend and I came to him in tears. A girl in our class was suicidal, and we were worried beyond belief! Mr. C calmed our fears, contacted the girl’s parents. She then received the help she needed. I am so thankful for the wise and beneficial counsel of Mr. C.

What distinguishes Mr. C as a favorite among students is his school spirit! No matter the sport, weather ,or time, Mr. C rarely misses a game. The student athletes recognize Mr. C as our biggest cheerleader and supporter. He cheers us on during our good games; pushes us to do better during our off days; and admonishes us when our attitudes turn sour after questionable calls. He has the ability to lead and keep control over the student section. Students actually look forward to attending games ,and sitting beside our enthusiastic school principal!

Having clear and unchanging values, beliefs, and standards is a must when dealing with my class. We ,like all teens, need some one whom we can trust to look up to. We need an honorable man to stand up and help mold our lives into something great! I guarantee, you ask any of the students who grew up under the guidance of Mr. C’s class, and they will tell you Mr. C fits that description. The lectures he has taught, have impacted the lives of many. The students at Greater Beckley Christian School are truly blessed and thankful for getting the opportunity to learn from this great and honorable teacher.

With Mr. C I have learned so much more than just the date of the French and Indian War. I have learned about values, school participation, responsibility, and many other important things I can take with me throughout the rest of my life. Mr. C is one of the Greater Beckley Christian School’s greatest assets. He truly deserves the title of “Educator of the Year!”

The author's comments:
Mr.C is a history teacher and principal at Greater Beckley Christian School. He has taught for a great number of years, and you can see by his actions that he truly loves his job.

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