Mr. Holland | Teen Ink

Mr. Holland

May 1, 2013
By Anonymous

Every year Teen Ink has an essay contest for who would be the Educator of the Year, and thousands of people send in their letters to Teen Ink explaining how their teacher is the best. I would like to nominate a person who is better than a regular boring teacher, Mr. Holland/Coach Holland. I want to nominate him because he is not just a 12th grade Physics teacher at the DMA; he is also a soccer coach. Mr. Holland knows when to be funny and joke around and when not to be. He is a nice and fun interactive coach.
I do not have Mr. Holland as a teacher, but I have him as a coach, and as a coach he is a great person. He is fun, and by that I mean he is not always serious like a lot of other coaches. He makes practices more fun by not doing “work” all the time; he makes up fun drills to do instead of boring drills to do. Mr. Holland also likes to joke around with the team; he will mess around with the team and make jokes here and there.
Mr. Holland is a great coach because he knows the game of soccer very well, and he knows how to help the kids that are newer to the game of soccer. He does a great job of introducing soccer to the new people. He is always willing to help anybody with just about anything they need help with. He always says to coach a team you need to know your team, so he tries to get to know each of his players good enough to coach them, so they can work as a team.
Last of all, Mr. Holland is very funny. He likes to make jokes. He jokes around with everybody on the team. He does funny things to make the team laugh. He will mess around which makes him a very fun and funny coach. He also would come to me if he needed help with putting somebody in a better position out on the field.
In conclusion, Mr. Holland/Coach Holland is a great fun interactive coach, and when he is not coaching he is teaching 12th grade physics. I believe he is Educator Of The Year because he is a great coach and teacher, and I know I can trust him. I think he should keep teaching and coaching as long as he can or until he does not want to anymore.

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