My Educator of the Year, Kathleen Beekman | Teen Ink

My Educator of the Year, Kathleen Beekman

May 30, 2013
By chocolate6 BRONZE, Winter Haven, Florida
chocolate6 BRONZE, Winter Haven, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you had a teacher that you thought was the best teacher you’ve met? There is one particular teacher at Jewett School of the Arts, which should receive an award for being the best teacher. That teacher’s name is Kathleen Beekman. She is a smart, intelligent ad a theatre teacher that teaches middle school and a little bit of elementary. She always makes the best of everything. The very minute you meet her, you will know she will make that year very special for you. Every time you see her she is filled with lots of energy. You will never find her with a dull look on her face.

When I enter her classroom, she will be at the front of the classroom, or by the door to welcome us in. She likes everything neat and organized. So, because of this reason she makes us put our book bags in the back of the classroom and then starts the class. We will always have a L.E.Q. to do some days, which we do in our journal. Sometimes she just starts talking about the topic of the day after we sat down and settled. But we don’t talk about the topic of the day before we circle up and do warm-ups. After warm-up we sit down and Ms. Beekman would talk about a story that goes with our topic of the day. Every day I would enjoy her class but then the bell rings and it’s time to go to 2nd period.

Ms. Beekman also does a play each year for every student in the school to participate in. The plays she chooses every year is filled with funny characters, beautiful settings, colorful props, and sometimes mysterious sound effects. This year she chose a play called Seussical Jr. and everyone enjoyed it. She also does plays outside of school, so all the student around that place can participate and perform in front of an audience.

The real reason why I think Ms. Beekman is the best teacher I’ve met is because she changed me completely. When I was starting kindergarten I never had any friends. I didn’t have any friends because I didn’t have any courage to talk to people because I thought the kids won’t like me. It went on until I was in 5th grade when I had Ms. Beekman. The first day I had her, I was scared people will make fun of me. But then when I went in Ms. Beekman asked my name since I was new in her class and about that I’m going to have a great time in there. I was excited too. While the year passed I got to talk to people that I never talked to because of the activities we do in there. When we do activities, I would introduce myself then they will introduce them. Then I talked to the kids every day and got the courage to talk to other people. Then when I got to 6th grade I had a bunch of people to talk to. I was very surprised when people that I didn’t even know started talking to me. Ms. Beekman also helped me find what my passion was. I got to perform in front of everyone and what do I say? I LOVED being on stage. All because of Ms. Beekman I got to talk to other people and find my passion.

I still have a problem talking to people and defending myself when people talk bad about me. But I was only in Ms. Beekman 2 year. I have 3 more years in her class. I also think my acting is getting better too. It’s a coincidence that I met her and got my courage to talk to people.

The author's comments:
This article is about a teacher that i think should get an award for being the best. I thought i should write about her because she is wonderful and just amazing.

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