Favorite teacher | Teen Ink

Favorite teacher

October 25, 2013
By Justin321 BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
Justin321 BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Coach Peters is the eleventh grade history teacher and assistant lineman football coach at Highland Home School. He is a great teacher. His personality is nice to be around. He jokes around and is a good teacher. I really like being in his class.
?In coaches room he makes learning fun. He is not always serious. I have fun and still learn everything about history that I need to learn. If I am having trouble understanding what I need to know coach will me. He makes sure I have good grades. That shows that he is a good teacher.
?He will work with you as an individual if you need it. I like the one on one attention it helps me understand my class work. When I have finished all my work I get to have free time and work on the ipad. He likes to make sure that all his students are making good grade.
?Coach is a really lineman football coach. He helps on the plays at the football games. He is always has team school spirit. He helps motivate the football players before the game. I think that is great for the team and show how of good of a coach he is.
?These are just a few things that I like about coach. The things he does to help in the class room and on the football field makes me choose him to be my favorite teacher. I am looking forward to the rest of the school year with him. I am ready to learn more history that I do not know.

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