Coach Doug | Teen Ink

Coach Doug

October 25, 2013
By Quez123 BRONZE, Montgomery, Alabama
Quez123 BRONZE, Montgomery, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Coach Doug is a teacher a highland home school he teaches history In a different way form other teachers. He teaches very fast paced but in a way so you can learn a lot and never forget it.

Coach Doug style of teaching is very fast and effective and
It and helps you get good grades because of how fast and how many times he repeats the work over and over again. Coach Doug can style of teaching can be effective with the iPads or paper he teaches everyone the same. He style never changes weather your a freshman or on up to a senior.

Coach Doug involvement in school activities include coaching, raising money, and SGA. He also has help out with basketball but focus mainly on teaching, SGA, and coaching football. And he also works on trying to make Highland Home School look better by hanging up signs.

Coach Doug raises money for SGA and also sells tattoo on Fridays
He also coaches the O-line and D-line in football and also helps out at other areas on the field. He also helps our grades in teaching us and having all the work form he's fast pace teaching count for grades.

Coach Doug teaches at a fast pace but if everyone taught like Coach Doug then mostly everyone in the school would have all A's or either A's and B's. Coach Doug's way of teaching helps everyone no matter who they are the only way to fail is if you don't listen at all.

Joe- It looks like a good essay
Erricka Collins- it's decent enough you perfectly described coach Doug well. There wasn't a lot of mistakes so it was good enough. Your essay was perfect too me .
Steven- it needs a better intro. Some of the sentences were run on and didn't make much scenes. Other than that the story was decent.

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