The best educator | Teen Ink

The best educator

October 25, 2013
By Janesha Lawson BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
Janesha Lawson BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
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The teacher I have chosen is Mrs. Sims. She has been a teacher of mine for the past couple of years. She has guided me to become the person I am today. I could have chosen any other teacher but I chose Mrs.Sims. Mrs. Sims is 36 years old and served in the military for two years. She was born in Greenville, Al where she was also raised. She also has two adorable kids
Mrs.Sims has her own unique style of teaching. Every since tenth grade we have been pushed as student to try our best and work our hardest. It started off as reading stories and poems in our literature books and answering questions. We usually read a different story every week and sometimes did essays on them. While reading stories she always makes sure we understand what is going on and what we are reading which helps us all in the end.
She has truly been a blessing to every senior class at Highland Home School. Because of her a lot of seniors have progressed in their life and are very successful. Mrs.Sims is an all around good educator. Not only does she help, high school but she also works with kids. The elementary and middle school have an after school program to attend every day. They are fed and have help with their homework and Mrs.Sims are one of their teachers.
Highland Home School is full of pride and school spirit. Mrs.Sims always shows school spirit and she is also a great role model. She's the type of teacher that likes to have fun but doesn't play when it comes to our work. All of her classes have to read at least four to five novels every year. It is very hard sometimes but we as seniors know it is all worth it in the end.
The senior class this year is very proud to have experienced her as our English teacher. We all owe her a big thank you. This is my favorite educator.

The author's comments:
I have a great teacher

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