Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

Favorite Teacher

October 25, 2013
By Steven72 BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
Steven72 BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Johnson is a great teacher and one of my favorite teachers. He is a agriculture science teacher. He teaches his students how agriculture is used in all parts of life. He shows his students how important it is for the construction of building. How its part of all grocery stores.

His style of teaching is he teaches us safety and how tools are different in the book. Then he shows us in the shop how they work and how they all have a special purpose on their right job. There are all kinds of tools and they all do different things. There all kinds of saws that I have learned about in his class. They all make the special kind of cut. He shows us the how to property use them so we don't try to make the wrong cut and get hurt.

He help a lot in the school to make it look better. He helps with prom build the stage for the queen to set on. He helps with granduation putting the things together for the picture to be shown. He's fixes the machine and other things around the school. He is a big part of the school to help it look better.

He is involvement in a few school activities. He involvement with not in being there. But he help get almost every school activite ready for the students to enjoy . He takes his time to make sure all the things are build properly so no fitting is out of place. He helps with the burn firer that we have every year and clean it up to.

Mr. Johnson s a great teacher that help a lot of people. He lets people known how agriculture is important for citizen to go on. He shows all the career that agriculture has to offer. He shown how welding is important and how many jobs request you known how to weld. Mr. Johnson is a great teacher.

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