What does for me | Teen Ink

What does for me

October 25, 2013
By Tanisha Brundidge BRONZE, Grady, Alabama
Tanisha Brundidge BRONZE, Grady, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It takes a special skill to be a teacher at one school. Could you imagine the skill it would take to work at two different schools? Mr.Scott Donaldson has this very skill. He works at Luverne and highland home high school. He is my JAG teacher at Highland Home school. I don’t know what he does in Luverne, But I do know he does a lot at HHS. Mr. Donaldson gets us involve in class discussion, do many different community service, and he actually care for his students.
?Mr.Donaldson makes sure we keep in the discussion. He keeps us busy but in a good way. He makes sure to ask us plenty of questions to keep us involved. He also play games with us so class doesn’t get too boring. What I like the most is he makes sures we understand what’s going on before he continues.
?Our teacher loves to do thIngs for his community. In this class through out the we do many different drives. Like food drives and clothes drives. Whenever people are in need we are there to help. Mr.donaldson travels to two different schools, but he makes sure he go to pep rallies. Then he is off to handle other needs.
?Mr.donaldson does a lot for his students. He helps us gets jobs, or helps us learn how to get a job. Mr.donaldson try his best to keep his students out of trouble. His job is only to teach a few things about jobs, but he goes all out to help us.
?Mr.D is what we all call him. It’s cool to have a teacher that is cool but help us at the same time. This teacher does his best, to have respect and I make sure I give it to him. It may seem like he doesn’t do a lot but he does. He is the reason why I have already had my first job. I appreciate him a lot.

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