Educator of the Year Contest | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year Contest

October 25, 2013
By Heather14 BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
Heather14 BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My nominee for educator of the year contest is Mrs. Rebecca Sims. Mrs Sims is a high school literature teacher of Highland Home School. Mrs Sims has a great style of teaching, is greatly involved with the school, and helps all of us out in our time of need. Mrs Sims is an all around good teacher.

Mrs Sims has a very unique style of teaching. I like her work because it's mostly individual work. She gives us work to do and its get it done or receive a zero. Her work is also very challenging. It prepares us for college and gives us examples on what to expect. Her work is also very relatable. Most of our work we receive in our other classes doesn't make sense but, hers does. She assignes essays and relavent things to help us receive scholorship and to get into college. As you can tell she is very helpfull.

Another helpfull aspect of Mrs Sims is that she is greatly involved in our school. She works after school with elementary students helping them with there homework. She also helps all the seniors with scholarships. She will make us seniors write an essay and send it in to win a scholarship. With her being a senior sponsor she takes great pride in her school. She's always wearing school colors and helps get everyone pumped up to go to pep rallies and games. Not only has she served all of her classes but she has also served her country.

Mrs Sims not only has helped me personally but has helped my class as a whole. She has helped me decide and helped me get started towards my carrier. Also she has helped me to decide wether or not I wanted to go into the air force. She helps the class as a whole by getting us involved in scholarships. She not only does that but she also helps guide us to the right college and with life. She tells what has happened to her so we don't make the same mistake she has.

Mrs Sims has helped us all a lot. Her style of teaching is amazing, she is greatly involved in school, and helps not only me but our whole senior class. Mrs Sims is one of the best teachers a student could have.

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